Yummy Roasted Vegetables

I made roasted vegetables tonight. It was really good with our broiled salmon. Here are some pics! All i added to the salmon was Old Bay, garlic powder, and a tad of kosher salt.

Pretty simple.  I sorta followed an allrecipes.com dish but didn't stick with the veggies they suggested.

Pretty simple. I sorta followed an allrecipes.com dish but didn't stick with the veggies they suggested. I would have loved to have used fresh beets but didn't find them at my local grocery store.

Veggies tossed in balsamic vinegar, and olive oil, herbs, salt and pepper.

Veggies tossed in balsamic vinegar, and olive oil, herbs, salt and pepper.

Not the greatest photo but I can assure you the veggies and broiled salmon where yummy!

Not the greatest photo but, I can assure you the veggies and broiled salmon where yummy!

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